Time & Location
Covid - Dates TBA
Location is TBA
About the Event
Due to COVID-19, all Soul Care Conferences are suspended until further notice.
This conference has two primary purposes:
First, while the conference is open to all, it is aimed at helping church/spiritual leaders (i.e.: pastors, elders, ministry leaders, small group leaders and spouses, etc.) grow in intimacy and the health of their souls. It takes a healthy leader to lead a healthy church. We are often limited by our past wounds, our current behaviors, and our faulty thinking. The conference will teach Biblical principles for healing the soul, and overcoming broken and sinful areas of life.
Second, the conference is designed to equip church leadership teams in making disciples back at home. A key focus of this equipping event is giving tools to leaders to facilitate deep life-change in themselves and others through the presence of Jesus. During each session a ministry time will be provided for participants to process their own journey and lead others through healing.
The Soul Care Conference ranges from three to five days and focuses on equipping leaders with the tools they need to walk and lead others in freedom through Christ.
The curriculum can include:
- Repentance
- Forgiveness
- Healing Wounds
- Processing Grief
- Deliverance And more