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holy spirit encounter

groups edition


You are about to embark on an adventure of discovering more of the Father's love, friendship, and intimacy with Jesus, and the powerful presence and work of the Holy Spirit. No matter who you are or where you have come from, there is more of God's goodness to be discovered.


This is a thirteen session journey you can pursue by yourself or in a small group. Topics include growing in expectancy, removing roadblocks to the Holy Spirit, hearing God’s voice, the filling of the Holy Spirit and ministering in healing. Please note that these sessions can be partnered with The Empowerment Pivot as another resource. 


Joining together on this journey of encounter is exciting. The group of people you are gathering with today will be transformed. By the time you have completed the course of this material, you will be more deeply in love with Jesus, more fully experiencing the work of the Holy Spirit, and better equipped to be on mission with Jesus, releasing his kingdom here on Earth as it is in heaven. 

session one - resources

*to access all thirteen study sessions as well as videos, sign up below!

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"The Holy Spirit made His presence tangible in many, many ways. One lady afterward describes what happened as "the walls were dripping with the Holy Spirit." The participants were hungry for the Spirit and now are more hungry. Some are talking about leading groups, we are in awe of the move of the Spirit we witnessed."

- Susan

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sign up here for the full free HSE groups edition resource package.


Notebook and Pen

Doug & Teri Balzer - Presenters


This Holy Spirit Encounter is taught and led by Doug and Teri Balzer. Doug and Teri originally began developing this material with Ric and Ruth-Anne Gilbertson in 2013 with a desire to renew the church's understanding and experience of Jesus through his Spirit. The teachings of Rob Reimer, Martin Sanders, and Ron Walborn also helped form some of the material before you. They have since led more than sixty spiritual renewal events in six countries. Doug has a Doctor of Ministry from Alliance Theological Seminary (New York). He is the Director of reKindle and serves the Western Canadian District of the Christian and Missionary Alliance as a Spiritual Renewal Catalyst.

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Doug is the author of The Empowerment Pivot: How God is Redefining our View of Normal and Light Up the Dark: Restoring Healing and Deliverance to Disciple Making


Doug and Teri have two adult sons, a labradoodle, Josie, and are based in Calgary, Alberta.


Access more of Doug's work at and 


Michelle Dwyer - Study Guide & Training Manual 


This study guide and training manual was developed and written by Michelle Dwyer and she gladly assumes credit for all errors and omissions contained therein. Michelle is an ordained minister with the Christian and Missionary Alliance and has a passion for igniting fires of hope as well as equipping and empowering people to partner with God in living out the adventure of His mission to restore all things.


She and her husband Brian have three young adult children and make their home in the Peace Country of Alberta.


Access more of Michelle's work at

See a testimony from our friends at Redwood Park Church after going through the Holy Spirit Encounter Groups Edition.

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