disciple making
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the last post: five convictions about evangelism in canada
lessons from o town and scotland's indiana jones
reaching your city through collaboration
three keys to lead your church in making disciple makers
tips to connect with Ukrainians
how to pray for spiritually lost people: binding and loosing
one more morsel of good news!
will you cultivate a culture of evangelism?
is christian mission unethical?
a timeless evangelism lesson from the british bulldog
from post-christendom to pre-christian: religious trend in canada
how will they hear if we do not listen?
hot tub evangelism
advent: welcoming light into darkness
from paralyzed to mobilized
who will lead us?
2021 - canadian church leaders survey
life, love and mission in the time of pandemic
barna, the bible, misplaced angst and missional mojo
clear the air listening prayer